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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Philadelphia Investment Update #4

I'm trying to close the house on the 29th of this month so I've been very busy today. I've been making phone calls to mortgage companies the whole morning and I just found out that I have to get my home insurance ready before closing. So, I had to make a couple more phone calls to get quotes. I've been on the phone so often lately I can feel the shadows of the phone even when I'm not physically on it. My left ear hurts and I'm starting to get neck pain from holding the phone with my head. Buying a house is really hands on. It is a lot of work, but investing in real estates is something I want to learn. Hopefully, all the time spent will be worth it.


At 9/25/2005 01:09:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speakerphone, my man, speakerphone. I even got a cordless unit with it built-in, and can watch TV while on hold. It's a wonderful thing.

At 9/25/2005 01:13:00 PM, Blogger Sean said...

I hear you. Except that I'm on the phone at work, so I can't use the speakerphone.

At 10/01/2005 01:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its great that you're taking on the challenge of learning about real estate! Good luck with your ventures!

If you want to learn more, stop by our real estate community at BiggerPockets.com. We've got a ton of stuff to help you out with investing, and we're not trying to sell you anything... check it out.

BTW - We've got a new Income Real Estate Analysis Tool, that may be really helpful for analyzing any new properties you're looking at. Free to use.


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