With an increasing amount of blogs it becomes a difficult job to keep track of all the blogs you want to read. Normally, you would go to each site to check for updates, and depending on the number of sites you check each day it can be annoying to you. There's a better solution. You can download RssReader (for free), which is a program that allows you to download information straight off the blogs. Sites that are compatible for downloads are usually indicated by and
My feed site is
I like to use the Sage extension for Firefox, myself.
I'm a fan of RSSReader
RSSReader is great. I'm in the progress of putting a feed on my site. Do you know if there are any rss directories where one can submit rss feeds?
I use NetNewsWire Lite, which is a free Mac OS X newsreader from
By the way, is there any reason you're advertising both a feedburner and an atom feed? I use a local url, but redirect it to feedburner to get the stats. Go here for more info on how I manage my rss feed.
Anyway, glad to see you've offering an RSS feed.
I'm a bloglines fan, myself... that way my reading is up-to-date no matter where I go.
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