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Monday, April 11, 2005

Free Magazine Giveaway

I'd like to donate a very special issue of Business Week to a eager-learning blog reader. It's a great issue, lots of good articles. It also mentions the hot upcoming fields, so if you want to do investments, this is a great read. Shipping and handles fees will be incurred by me, courtesy of Growing Money financial blog. First person to post a comment gets it. Leave your email so I can get your shipping address. BusinessWeek issue 1/3/05 - Where To Invest '05 >> The Economy: Five Wild Cards for 2005 >> What Bush's Plans Mean for Your Portfolio >> Protect Yourself From a Housing Slump >> The Four Hottest Global Plays >> Invest Like Harvard Plus: Earnings Forecasts For 900 Companies Alternative Energy (their picks went up almost 20% so far) Cash-Rich Companies Developing Giants: Four Countries You Must Own


At 4/18/2005 02:26:00 AM, Blogger Sean said...

You got it. I'll send you the special issue of Business Week and all my back issues of Smart Money.

At 4/21/2005 05:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got the special issue of Business Week!

It looks great. Thanks so much, and keep up the great blogging.

At 4/21/2005 06:52:00 PM, Blogger Sean said...

Oops, I accidently deleted a comment. How do I undelete it?


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