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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Fool Message Board

I see this URL in my site traffic. I'm curious what it says in the message board, but I can't get in. Can anyone help? http://boards.fool.com/Message.asp?mid=22887314


At 8/18/2005 10:46:00 PM, Blogger Sean said...

Oh my! I'm still getting comment spammed.

At 8/18/2005 10:53:00 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

Here is the main thread post
As part of my eternal quest to make everyone as unproductive as I am, here's a list of a few personal finance blogs that I've run across. One more tool in the ol' financial arsenal...

Blueprint for Financial Prosperity http://www.bargaineering.com/articles
Consumerism Commentary http://www.consumerismcommentary.com
Everybody Loves Your Money http://elym.blogspot.com
Frugal For Life http://frugalforlife.blogspot.com
Growing Money http://growingmoney.blogspot.com
Hello, Dollar! http://www.hellodollar.com
In Cash Flow We Trust http://incashflowwetrust.blogspot.com
My Open Wallet http://myopenwallet.blogspot.com
My Personal Finance Progress Report http://ksfinancialprogressreport.blogspot.com
MyMoneyBlog http://www.mymoneyblog.com/
The Real Returns http://therealreturns.blogspot.com
Searchlight Crusade http://www.searchlightcrusade.com

They tend to wander off-topic, but no more so than this board ;)

At 8/18/2005 11:27:00 PM, Blogger Sean said...

Thanks, Dawn.

At 8/18/2005 11:33:00 PM, Blogger your math teacher said...

This might be a hassle but you can always switch to a different commenting system. I've used haloscan in the past. I think it's free.

They let you block ip addresses as well as deleting individual comments.

At 8/18/2005 11:37:00 PM, Blogger your math teacher said...

I think if you switch your commenting system though, I'm not sure if you can save all of the old comments that are already on your blog.

It might just be better to delete all of the spam comments.

At 8/31/2005 06:53:00 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

try turning on the new Word Verification system by Blogger! This way, you don't have to restrict comments to Blogger users.

Oh, and you can delete all the comments too if you login and look at your blog.


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