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Friday, January 20, 2006

Links Exchange

Please fill in your info so I can post up your links. *Required Fields Blog/Website Name: Blog/Website URL: Blog/Website Author: Blog/Website Email: Blog/Website RSS Feed: Blog/Website Category: (Investment, Credit/Debt, Money Management, Savings, etc.) Brief Summary of Blog/Website: -Personal Fields (optional, but try to provide as much as possible) Real Name: Age: Location: Education: Occupation: Income Level: Net Worth: Link Reciprocal: Yes/No (Do you have my blog linked? This is useful for my future network check/analysis.) The Required Fields will be published on this blog, but the Personal Fields will not be posted and strictly confidential unless otherwise instructed. You may fill in the information by leaving a comment (but all your Personal Fields will be public) or you may email me at GrowingMoney (at) gmail.com (if you don't want to show your personal information). Please add my blog to your links (don't delay). Let me start off the database with my information. Blog/Website Name: Growing Money Blog/Website URL: http://growingmoney.blogspot.com Blog/Website Author: Smarty Blog/Website Email: GrowingMoney (at) gmail.com Blog/Website Category: Investment (also savings, money management, and business ideas) Blog/Website RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/GrowingMoney Brief Summary of Blog/Website: Growing money through investments, savings, money management, and business ideas. Real Name: (private) Age: 25 Location: NY Education: Bachelor's Degree, majored in Computer Science Occupation: Tech Analyst Income Level: 45K Net Worth: Negative Link Reciprocal: Yes (Of course)


At 2/17/2006 01:20:00 PM, Blogger Jose Anes said...

Sent you an e-mail with my entry.

money and investing


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